It’s a beautiful summer day. The air is fresh with the smell
of flowers, you can here the bees buzz and the birds chirp all around you.
Little children play in the background and their giggles and chit chat blend in
with the chirps, buzzes and all the other sounds. Natures perfect symphony.
The scene represented above is beautiful, isn’t it?
Something many people have experienced before and hope that the younger
generation will get to see too. While this might seem all and well, I have some
relatively startling news; we have been slowly killing off everything in our
planet. That includes our future and current generations. Thanks to humans’
lack of care regarding global warming, we are ensuring the extinction of the
human race!
To all those idiotic skeptics who believe that all this talk about
global warming and its consequences is just a bunch of hot air, there are
numbers to back it up. For example, as shown in an Inconvenient Truth, the average surface temperature of the
earth has increased by 1.2 to 1.4°F just in the 20th century. That
might not seem like a lot, but in terms of the earth, that is a RIDICULOUS
amount of increase. If we keep going like this, the human race might eventually
burn itself to a crisp. If heat isn’t
your thing, experts think that sea level could rise by about two feet in the
next 100 years. How do they know? Well,
sea levels have already gone up by 4-8 inches across the world this last
century. While this seems unthinkable, it's happening right now. As Al Gore in an Inconvenient Truth so clearly showed in his diagram, New York, India and other parts of the world will be completely under water. Our families
and everyone and thing on earth will drown if climate change isn’t reversed (kind like the poor, poor polar bear).
This is not much better than burning up if you ask me.
Please, recycle, reduce your carbon imprint and be kind to
the earth. Your life depends on it, and so do the lives of others ( Al Gore taught me that). Maybe you
might feel like eliminating the human race and all living creatures, but I am
sure there are many other people who would like to live, so be considerate. Again,
this is the only earth we have to live on so take care of it .. or face the
horrendous consequences.
Good specifics; good use of scare tactics, and, I think, appeals to false authority. What other fallacies were you going for?